Author: Yaakov Menken


We’re #2! (And Happy That Way)

In the Jewish and Israeli Blog Awards, we are #2 in the Jewish Religion category (and #1 in the other three categories in which we were nominated). Since all the top competitors are re-emphasizing...


A Hamas Win is Good for Israel

No, this isn’t crazy. It’s a theory that could even turn out to be true. I don’t mean to suggest that the Hamas victory is definitely good news — but it could well be...


This is Brilliant

From Amanda Rush of, comes a new indication that Microsoft is out to make everything easier — even quickie conversions. She gives me credit for noticing the truth stranger than fiction to go...


Jewish & Israeli Blog Awards

Well, the finals are upon us. Cross-Currents, having successfully navigated the first round in all three categories for which we were nominated, is now up in four categories: Best Overall Best Jewish Religion Blog...


WordPress is Good

Since our upgrade on January 2, the new Akismet spam blocker has prevented over 1000 spams from getting into the moderation queue. That’s in under three weeks. In that time it only let 2...


Little Short of Amazing

My correspondent, who pointed out the case going on in California that I wrote about yesterday, sent a new email today: Rabbi Menken, re: Calvary Chapel suit and your C-C post on it, I...


Down the Slippery Slope

An astute Catholic reader, noting the recent discussion of religion in the schools here, alerted me to another case now going on in California. The University of California, which is that state’s public university...


Presence of Paranoia?

Mrs. Schmidt’s title is excellent, and I’m glad that she took me to task for not considering the original Hebrew version of the article in question. I agree with most of what Mrs. Schmidt...



While we appreciate your vote in the JIB awards, it’s also a good time to upgrade our look — assuming we’d like to win the Design award, and on merit at that. Maybe Menachem‘s...

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