Author: Yaakov Menken


Tragedy in West Virginia

Anyone who has been following the news is aware that 13 miners were trapped in a coal mine after an explosion on Monday. Last night, just around midnight, it was announced that 12 of...


Two More Articles on Intelligent Design

David Klinghoffer has an article on National Review Online, “It’s God or Darwin” (forwarded to me by R’ Yonason Rosenblum). Klinghoffer presents the case that the leading Darwinists are as anti-religion as the ID...



This morning Shira Schmidt had an op-ed column in the Jerusalem Post, which she told us about here. Her thesis was pretty straightforward: wouldn’t you expect a conference on, for example, “Ultra-Orthodox Jewry and...



We just installed WordPress 2.0. Of course there are a few kinks that we need to work out, but thus far it looks good. Perhaps the best new feature is the inclusion of built-in...


Where To, Jewish Music?

For centuries, Jewish communities have adopted the music of the surrounding culture and made it their own. Some popular Shabbos zemiros are reported to have their musical origins in Russian or German taverns, and...


Are Checkpoints Moral?

From David Bernstein at the well-known Volokh Conspiracy blog: Next time you hear someone criticizing Israel’s “checkpoints” for Palestinians, think about this: a surprise checkpoint set up Thursday prevented an Islamic Jihad terrorist from...


Someone Figured It Out

After so many articles in the Jewish media praising the latest fad, it is a relief to read one like “Pop Goes The Hipster Judaism Bubble” from The Jewish Week. “There’s something really appealing...


The Sisson Memo, Reprise

I know that we’ve talked about Intelligent Design quite a bit already, but I think it worthwhile to reference the memo from Ed Sisson posted by Rabbi Adlerstein back in June before leaving the...


Rabbi Shafran Responds

Rabbi Shafran sent me the following response to the comments on his article. I was pleased enough to get clearance from him to reprint a Jewish Observer article online (as compared to his Am...


The Court’s Contempt

Prof. Albert Alschuler of the University of Chicago is blogging his reactions to the ID decision (as noted by Michael Hobson). Most of the Dover opinion says in effect to the proponents of intelligent...

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