Jewish & Israeli Blog Awards

Well, the finals are upon us. Cross-Currents, having successfully navigated the first round in all three categories for which we were nominated, is now up in four categories:
In this vote, “vote early and vote often” is legal — once every three days.
Why is this important? Well, Cross-Currents has a unique mission. As expressed by Rabbi Adlerstein:
For decades, Torah Jewry in America was at the mercy of editors who were often antagonistic or at best benignly tolerant of our community and our views. The world of the “blog,” or web-based journal, has changed all that. Today, we have the opportunity to share what the “world of Torah” is all about — what we believe, what we stand for, and what we have to contribute — without an external filter dictating what we can and cannot transmit to a reader, and how often we can say our piece.
Media attention, of course, is an important part of providing that voice. If we aim to be the place you go to find a well-articulated Torah perspective on the issues of the day, we need to be “known.” That is why the “Blog Awards” contest is so important — not for our egos, but for our goal of becoming an important outlet for Torah thought to the world.
Please help, by voting!
How can you, in good conscience, ask us to vote for you for best designed blog? What makes cross currents “best designed?” Or is it that important that we win an award that we clearly do not deserve?
Tovya, chabibi, how do you know we don’t deserve it? We were nominated, and according to the discussion about having a new graphic recently, there are those who genuinely feel it to be true.
Nonetheless, I think all of us are more interested in any of the other three categories.
How could anyone question this blog is not the best blog? This is a beautiful, well constructed, easy to navigate,
filled with meaty content, and kosher meat at that!
What’s not to like?
The blog is excellent and in my opinion , one of the best.
I am just curious if it is possible to become a, hm, call it Zionist nominee — I have a blog ( but I am neither Jewish nor Israeli.
The wingnuttery has definitely been toned down over the last week 🙂
Go Gil!