Author: Yaakov Menken


Time is Money

This is a must-see video clip. The Rabbi who insisted that I view it (Rabbi Ezriel Munk, of TorahLinks in New Jersey) said that his phone was ringing off the hook afterwards; students of...


Thank You for Voting!

Thanks to everyone who voted in the Jewish & Israeli Blog Awards. With your help, we won Best Group Blog and Best Designed blog, and placed second to Gil in the Best Jewish Religion....


Two Recommended Reads

First, the OU has issued an open letter to PM Ehud Olmert concerning the police brutality at Amona (Hat Tip: Hayom). It’s a worthwhile letter, but it merely makes what seems to me a...


The Next Fundraising Innovation

Not long ago, a well-respected yeshiva launched a “Chinese auction” to raise money. In order to innovate beyond the typical Trip-to-Israel prize, the auction featured home furnishings instead. But the auction came under criticism,...


Lack of Empathy?

Steve Brizel has commented twice recently that he sees a lack of empathy between Charedim and the Religious Zionist circles on incidents like the autopsy on the one hand, and the evacuation of Amona...


Outrage at Amona

Tzemach Atlas sent me a link last Thursday to his post, The Horses of Amona. This refers, of course, to the horses and other police brutality towards non-violent demonstrators attempting to prevent the dismantling...

Charles Krauthammer on Hamas

Interesting — he wrote basically what I did a week earlier, plus a call for all funding to be cut off. He agrees with me; I agree with him. Recommended reading.


Lighten Up…

It seems that my post of yesterday, asserting “foul play” in the blog award voting, has touched some sort of raw nerve among other J-bloggers — especially those who are contenders in some of...


A New Level of Vote Gathering?

UPDATE: I was right. The relevant votes were deducted overnight / early today, Feb. 1. Please vote for us anyway. πŸ™‚ [FURTHER UPDATE: A friend said this is “petty.” Nothing of the kind was...


Where’s the Story?

This morning’s JPost has this headline: Haredim riot in Jerusalem, Abu Kabir. “Hundreds of Haredim rioted in Jerusalem’s Mea Shearim neighborhood,” it says, “in protest over an autopsy carried out on the body of...

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