Author: Yaakov Menken


An Unacceptable Cease Fire Proposal

News reports claim that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is going to recommend that the cabinet accept the cease-fire to be voted upon by the UN Security Council tonight. If so, this is a betrayal...


Two Emissaries from Israel

Two visitors from Israel, both representing organizations not mentioned by Jonathan Rosenblum, knocked on my door last night. This is not because Rabbi Rosenblum neglected these organizations or did lousy research, but because the...


Looks Bad for Lieberman

It looks like Joe Lieberman will be defeated in the primary today. He’s fighting a political neophyte with a lot of money and one issue: opposition to the Iraq war. Democrats would like to...

Trading Up… for Charity!

Here’s an interesting idea to share with you, based upon a number of anniversaries — and the adventures of a broke Canadian. First of all, August 1 was the first anniversary of the release...


Chief Rabbis urge Secular to Fast

In the Jerusalem Post: The chief rabbis of Israel called this week on secular Jews to join their religious brethren in fasting on Tisha Be’av as a way of showing solidarity and unity at...


It’s No Time For Vacation

The Jerusalem Post has summarized the intent of the declarations from leading Torah Sages in Israel posted by Rabbi Rosenblum: Haredim cancel vacations due to war. Thanks to ak for the tip. As one...

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