Author: Shira Schmidt


Uninvited guest

3 b Menahem Av Remember the party-crashing in the Kamtza and Bar-Kamtza episode? Well, I had my own experience last week. Jonathan Rosenblum describes below what he would have told the Jewish People Policy...


What Can be Done about these Canards?

I asked a group of American Yeshiva boys who were our Shabbat guests how they would respond to the accusation by Israel Prize laureate Professor Alice Shalvi that in Jewish marriage the woman is...


“Why do they hate us so much?”

3 bNissan I heard this question this week at all-day conference at Bar Ilan University on “Tefillat Nashim” – issues realted to women’s prayer. There were over a dozen lectures and workshops, many of...


Schocken is no longer shocking

8 b Adar Two years ago the publisher of Haaretz, Amos Schocken, published an op ed in his own paper extoling the virtues of intermarriage, as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian and Jewish-Muslim conflict....


The Kidnapping of Rosa Parks

Rosh Hodesh Adar. Sometimes I go to great lengths for the sake of the Cross-currents blog…. Last week I rode the length and breadth of the Land of Israel on the mehadrin buses in...


This Sunday in Jerusalem….

For those in Jerualem or for those who have friends who can get to Jerusalem this Sunday, Jan. 28 (9b’Shvat). I described the launching of a most unusual Holocaust project in my Jerusalem Post...


Degree Decree

20 bTevet R. Avraham Ibn Ezra complained in a poem (all translations below are mine, SLS): “If I were a candle maker, the sun would never leave the sky. If I were a shroud...


The ideology behind halakhic ideology

21 bKislev What is the ideology behind a conference titled:Halakhah and Ideology? It looks like it will tilt in the direction of suggesting that most halakhic decisions are ideologically motivated. But I will withhold...


A glass gem instead of a diamond

16 bKislev 5767 “After the prince lost the first two diamonds that the king gave him, the king gave him a beautifully cut glass gem for the prince’s ring.” That is the parable used...

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