593 Search results

For the term "halacha".

When in Doubt… Mesorah

For every halachic point made by those who resist the female rabbinate, Open Orthodoxy will counter with one they claim is in favor of a female rabbinate. But, in one arena of Jewish experience, an arena which is of equal standing to halacha, OO has no answer.

Denominational Déjà Vu

In 2001, I predicted that the Conservative movement would soon enough “halachically” approve what halacha forbids in no uncertain terms. [It did so 5 years later.] I perceive precisely the same Conservative approach to halacha in what bills itself today as “Open Orthodoxy.”


Yoatzot: An Exchange

Shoshanna Jaskoll submitted a characteristically passionate article for consideration, this time on the hot-button issue of yoatzot halacha, women trained in hilchos nidah who serve as information intake points, advisors, and more in a very sensitive area....

Rav Aharon Feldman on Open Orthodoxy

The positions Open Orthodox leaders have espoused put them unmistakably beyond the pale of Torah Judaism, no different than the Reform or Conservative movements. Open Orthodoxy is leading the Jewish people away from the Torah.


The Symptoms are Not the Problem

The statement regarding Open Orthodoxy by the Council of Torah Sages of Agudath Israel is not about women rabbis, politics, or excluding Jews from the Jewish community. It is about integral components of traditional Jewish belief, and truth in advertising.

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