Thirty Days Before the Chag…

we start our preparations for Pesach. For those within range, I will be offering another round of specifically Maharalian preparation for the next two Wednesdays, March 3 and 10. At 8PM on each of those dates, I will BE”H be offering text-based shiurim on the thought of Maharal on Pesach themes at the Jewish Learning Exchange on LaBrea in Los Angeles. They will be offered to men and women, and there is no charge. (Offered in the zechus of a refuah shelemah for Devorah bas Chana, and Chaya Ilana Esther bas Sara.)
Would it be possible to record and post these online?
[YA – I don’t have my own website, but I could probably send them to anyone who wanted through a large-file server. Alternatively, anyone who wants to join could theoretically do so through a videoconference call. I would use Vsee, which does a better job than Skype for a larger conference. Free download and use.]