Category: Religion


Overcoming the Separation

A resident of Haifa sent out a plea for forgiveness last week. He has been forced to close his business because of the katyushas falling on Haifa, and he and his family now find...


Charedim LaMatzav — Trembling about the Situation

Friday’s Yediot Acharonot carried an extraordinarily positive article about the Charedi community’s reaction to the current situation in Israel. For those unable to read the Hebrew, here are the first three paragraphs in translation:...


Saving Tommy

I had to rub my eyes as I tried to absorb the news. Prime Minister Olmert could not be that insensitive. But no matter how many times I rubbed, the story remained the same:...


Our Children Lead Us

One of our grandchildren attends a summer day camp for six- and seven-year-olds in Jerusalem. A few days ago the group was scheduled to spend the entire morning at the beach. They waited expectantly...


Israel vs. Hamas: Is Hamas Blinking?

From Ha’Aretz: According to reports Sunday, the Hamas leadership in Gaza is ready to halt Qassam fire as part of a cease-fire deal that would involve an end to IDF action in the Gaza...


WorldPride Gay Parade Cancelled

Thanks to Ori for the tip from Maariv in Hebrew — it’s now confirmed from multiple sources in English as well. On Friday, Jerusalem Police denied the parade a permit, telling organizers of the...


Past,present,future of the haredi sector

motzei Shabbat 27 b Tamuz Just a short note to suggest two recent articles of interest on developments in the haredi world. #1 In Friday’s Haaretz Magazine (July 21) the reporter Shahar Ilan, who...


Bloggers Praying for Israel

The blog prayer campaign is just underway, and a friendly nod to those who have already signed up and referred people to sign up: Elie’s Expositions Frum Actress Jewish Answers Krum as a Bagel...

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