Category: Religion


Bloggers Praying for Israel

The blog prayer campaign is just underway, and a friendly nod to those who have already signed up and referred people to sign up: Elie’s Expositions Frum Actress Jewish Answers Krum as a Bagel...


Signs of the Times

After Corporal Gilad Shalit was taken captive, a small notice appeared in our Jerusalem synagogue. Above Shalit’s Hebrew name, Gilad ben Aviva, was a hand –lettered request to recite Psalms and to pray for...


Thanks, President Katzav

Kudos are due to President Moshe Katsav for refusing to address Eric Yoffie, head of the American Reform movement, by the title “Rav.” Katsav’s refusal can only be explained as an act of conscience....


Off the Derech: Are We Retaining Our Youth?

Yesterday, at the end of a post criticizing Yossi Beilin’s call for new methods to “enable non-religious non-Jews to become non-religious Jews,” I made the following closing remarks: Like many others, Beilin has forgotten...


Now in Style: Traditional Jewish Burial

Now that Jews across America have adopted non-Jewish burial customs — elaborate, indestructable caskets, embalming, above-ground burial (mausoleums), even cremation (a custom first practiced on Jewish dead in Central Europe, roughly 65 years ago)...


Luther Я (Not) Us!

A reader commented on my piece about waging war against an entire population because of the misdeeds of a few of them. His intention, it seems, was to support me. Look in last week’s...


Fair Treatment of the Lakewood Internet Ban

Saturday’s Washington Post has (via the Religion News Service) an article from the NJ Star-Ledger, Edict turns many Jews in Lakewood into library regulars. A possible subtitle of the article is “blogs don’t represent...


Is Sociobiology Nuts?

The influence of Darwinism has long since penetrated into the popular consciousness, and spawned new pseudo-sciences, such as sociobiology and evolutionary psychology, which attempt to explain every aspect of human nature as an outgrowth...

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