Category: Politics

Agudath Israel statement on same-sex marriage

In the wake of President Obama’s sharing of his personal feeling that the millennia-old institution of marriage should be redefined in contemporary America, National Jewish Democratic Council chair Marc R. Stanley declared his admiration...


Has the Press Gone Straight?

First it was the BBC telling the truth about Israel’s humane efforts against terrorism, and the desires of Gazans to continue to fight the “occupation” of Jerusalem, Haifa and Tel Aviv. For those who...

Strafing or Sanctions?

There isn’t a sane person on the planet—at least if evil counts as insanity—who doesn’t wish for Iran to be forced to abandon its nuclear ambitions (or to have them vaporized by one or...


Hate Speech at the Forward

Hatred. No, “blind hatred,” a “hatred so visceral that anything the man supports must be bad, wrong, and shot down,” because he’s “anti-American, anti-Semitic, or a baby-killing godless Communist.” It’s an “all-encompassing” hatred. It’s...

Praying for Contemporary Captives

It was over a decade ago, in the wake of a spate of terrible terrorist attacks on Jews in Eretz Yisrael, that the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah called upon Jews to recite chapters of Tehillim...


The Volume That Speaks Volumes

What could be the connection between intensified Israeli media incitement against haredim and the appearance of a new Yom-tov prayerbook designed exclusively for Israeli Jews? On the surface, none. But let’s glance beneath the...


Whose Problem Is It, Anyway?

by Dovid Kornreich There is a recurrent theme that I’ve read on Jblogs and newspapers, and it has two parts: 1) Chareidi society somehow engenders extremism and these incidents in Beit Shemesh are its...

Pilloried With Hillary

One of the many downsides of a world that moves as quickly as ours is that many of us feel we must react to events in “real time” rather than after some research and...

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