Category: Morality

Love, Hate and the Holocaust

Considering that a survey last year revealed that 31 percent of Americans, and 41 percent of millennials, believe that two million or fewer Jews were killed in the Holocaust, and that 41 percent of...


Why AOC’s Comments Crossed the Border

Every politician knows you can’t needlessly offend ethnic and other constituencies. The idea that you can make a career out of bigotry towards a particular minority is a notion America was supposed to have discarded 50 years ago.


The Equality Act: A Direct Assault on Jewish Values

At its root, the Equality Act declares the Torah to be a bigoted document, and all those who follow its guidance to be bigots as a result. This is true because the Torah says that man and woman are different, that marriage is between man and woman, and that certain relationships are pure while others prohibited.

In Judaism, Abortion Is Not A Right

  An article of mine on the disconnect between contemporary society’s understanding of abortion and that of Judaism was published by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and can be read here  


The Party of Bias and Bigotry

Her characterization of Jews as a secret cabal hiding its evil from a gullible world, using ill-gotten gains to buy influence and control, is by no means original. It is without question the single most dangerous, murderous lie in world history.

Blessed Bang for the Buck

Across an ocean but hot on the heels of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s not-so-subtle invoking of the hoary stereotype of Jews’ wily wielding of wealth – “It’s all about the Benjamins,” she contended, referring to...

The Emphasis on Empathy

I suppose it’s not so strange that I put the two experiences together. They happened a mere day apart and both involved buses. The first incident astounded me. As I stood in a line...

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