Category: Judaism


Avoiding Corruption in Shidduchim

In the fiction of my favorite frum novelist, Dov Haller, there are no real villains: No one is judged without the omniscient author explaining everything that brought him to his present situation(l’m’komo). Nevertheless, if...


The Court comes up empty-handed

What could the Israeli Supreme Court have been hoping to achieve by ordering 43 parents from Emmanuel jailed for contempt of court for sending their children to a chassidic school in Bnei Brak, after...


Emmanuel Sidebar

The below, by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel of America’s executive vice president, appears in Hamodia as a sidebar to a larger report on the Emmanuel school situation In 1922, Oregon voters passed...


Harvard and Haredi Racism

It took the United States a century and a half to tell itself that it had meaningfully rid itself of discrimination against African-Americans. Even so, few people really believe that anti-black sentiment has been...


Agudath Israel Reacts to Rubashkin Sentencing

Reacting to U. S. District Court Judge Linda Reade’s sentencing of former Agriprocessors CEO Sholom Rubashkin to 27 years in prison and five years probation, Agudath Israel of America executive vice president Chaim Dovid...


Statement of the Jerusalem Beis Din

Late yesterday the news services were abuzz with news of a possible settlement in L’Affaire Emmanuel, with the news that Yoav Lallum had signed an arbitration agreement with the Beis Din of HaRav Avraham...


Inter Alia

Inter alia means “among other things.” Legal types use it quite often, along with other choice Latin phrases. Using Latin adds presence, if not a bit of pretentiousness, to a document. Sometimes, you need...


Declaration of the American Moetzes Regarding Emmanuel

Thank you to Rabbi Oberstein for forwarding this text: עש”ק, ו’ תמוז תש”ע. לרגלי העלילה הנוראה מאת בית משפט חילוני על אחינו היקרים החרדים לדבר ה’ בעיר עמנואל בארה”ק, שהובלו לבית סוהר על שמוסרים...


We Are All Emanuel

by Dovid Landesman Events in the last twenty-four hours have caused my inherent uncertainties about life in Israel to resurface. This afternoon I attended the mass demonstration [peaceful and orderly, thank God] in support...

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