Category: Jewish World

Religious Pluralism Would Spell Disaster for Israel

An article of mine in the Forward that takes issue with Reform Rabbi Rick Jacobs’ claim that the majority of American Jews support the import of “Jewish religious pluralism” to Israel, and which explains why Orthodox...

Bury the Horse!

Sigh. This is getting tiresome.  The  horse is decaying and in need of swift burial. Any readers still following the Menken/Shafran debate are urged by both protagonists to carefully read the relevant materials cited...


Finding the Truth

A piskah tovah to all! I, too, will keep this brief. The truth to which I referred was the following: The truth is exactly as Rabbi Shafran said most recently: “Torah Jews are perceived,...

The Mandate We Both Ultimately Embrace

In his latest installment of our discussion of political partisanship (we should take this show on the road!), Rabbi Menken asserts several things worthy of responses. For starters, he expresses doubt over why President...

Some Corrections

I’m reluctant to continue my debate with my valued friend Rabbi Yaakov Menken – he’s the one who invited me at Cross-Currents’ inception to post here! – but his most recent posting about my...


Loose Ends

We should acknowledge that beliefs mandated by the Torah are frequently described as “conservative” by American politicos. If we faithfully advocate for Torah ideals, we will not escape being cast as “partisan.”

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