Author: Yitzchok Adlerstein


Cross-Currents Road Trip

At least for one of us. Me. For those on the East Coast who wonder how Torah can survive on the Left Coast, you are invited to find out. I will be at Cong....


Lori, You Don’t Have To Settle

You cannot help but feel bad for Lori Gottlieb, and good for the mindset about marriage with which we provide our kids. NPR correspondent and author Gottlieb was not looking for sympathy, but to...


Alternatives to Triumphalism

The American Jewish Committee’s 2007 Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion is out, and it reflects once again the growing importance of the Orthodox community. Some will celebrate with high-fives and I-told-you-so’s. This would...


Learning From The Daniel Pearl Standard

My friend Judea Pearl’s writing is frequently moving, and always incisive. On the yahrzeit of his son, Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl, HY”D, brutally slain in Pakistan six years ago, Dr. Pearl creates...


Dallas – Success With a Flourish

If buildings could speak, the message of Dallas’ new Ohr HaTorah shul is one of pride, confidence, and inclusiveness. Simply put, it is – architecturally – the most impressive building of a right-of-Orthodox-center shul...


State of the Jewish Union

The following is an unretouched verbal snapshot of an international NGO gathering in Europe: An Israeli is at the podium. He is young, bright, Western trained, and served a prior Israeli administration as an...


Living and Working Together

Jonathan Rosenblum previously speculated in these pages that there are advantages to people living in religiously mixed neighborhoods. Another CC contributor, Rabbi Emmanuel Feldman, made the same point earlier this week in the Jerusalem...

Spam Attack!

We have been fighting off an unusually heavy barrage of spam to our comments section that has been going on for about a week. In the process, it is likely that a few comments...

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