Great Mood-Setter For Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim

Bnei Brak collaborates with Hollywood, and the result is a winner!
If preparations for Pesach are draining your energy, take a six minute break and watch this. You won’t be disappointed. Turning up the volume will increase the adrenalin – and the pride.
[Thanks to Michael Eisenberg, Esq., Los Angeles]
Wow, that brought tears to my eyes. Thanks.
This was so wonderful. Thank you so so much for posting it. Have a wonderful Pessach.
Spine tingling!!! Awe inspiring!!!
But we should keep in mind that the real thing was “ever so much more so.”
A happy and Kosher Pesach to one and all.
That was very nicely done. I was waiting for the credits at the end. Where was it taken from? Were those clips from an actual movie? Who put it together?
Chag Kasher V’Sameach!
That was definitely an adrenaline lifter after nights of shlepping!
just to see the makat dam, alone, dayenu. how impressive is what we see compare to what we imagine. [artscroll graphics and charts is a key to its success]. if you had frum production values like this, it would be inspiring and inspired [though doubtless banned]…
I was lucky to see this before Pesach. The makkos are totally stylized, and I highly doubt they occurred in the way depcited in the video. It interprets the verses as though the medrash were literally true, so I guess it’s OK if you accept that premise. But, I do think the actual Exodus from Egypt is more or less accurate. That is, the Israelites did throng at the gates, and they were jumping and leaping for joy. They left with their fists raised high in the air. This movie was able to actualize that in a way I had hitherto not really been able to visualize.
While of course I enjoyed watching this video, I do not see it as a significant improvement over Cecil B DeMille’s 1956 movie, the Ten Commandments, starring the now late great Charlton Heston as Moses. That movie has always been, and will probably always continue to be, my favorite movie of all time. It is my understanding that Cecil B DeMille, who himself was born Jewish, used the Midrash as well as the Torah text itself for his guides in making that great epic movie. I think all Jews and philosemites should see this movie at least once in their lifetimes.