Author: Eytan Kobre


Who Is That Masked Fundamentalist?

Question for the reader: Which well-known Jewish figure is the author of the following recently-penned lines? [T]here is no reason for a famous person who just happens to be Jewish to command special respect,...


Here’s Our Chance

Note: Fellow C-C contributor Toby Katz e-mailed me to say she enjoyed my last post, but that some of its important points appear too far down for some Internet-age readers accustomed to skimming pieces...


Thank You, Professor

Several weeks ago, a friend called with a request: would I respond in print to an essay appearing in that week’s Forward? I took a look at the piece in question and, sure enough,...


Whither Conservatism? – I

As the title indicates, this will be (or, given my track record, might be) the first of several posts focusing on recent developments in the Conservative movement. I therefore want to preface these posts...


Of Pizza and Pie Charts

There has been considerable hullabaloo in the Jewish media of late over Jewish demographics, much of it bewildering (and ultimately saddening), some of it strangely invisible. First there was the study claiming that 60%...


A Heretic in the Church – II

When last I wrote, it was to report on the politically (and anatomically?) correct move of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute to add a smattering of women to its board, and to voice...


A Heretic in the Church – I

So I noticed a news item in the latest Forward reporting that the important-sounding Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, whose job it is, apparently, to plan policy for all the Jews, has relented to...


A Tale of Two Responses

I’m grappling with how to reconcile two recent episodes, one from earlier this year and the other very much in this week’s news, that seem contradictory. Allow me to present the perceived conflict and...


Clean Air Act

Looking desperately for a small ray of light, a pocket of clean air, amidst the thick stench of what anyone following the political news would have to describe as a nationwide ethical meltdown ahead...

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