Author: Avi Shafran


The Novardhok Paradox

Their lyrics are about things like readiness to be persecuted for one’s commitment to Torah, the brevity of human existence, the need to seize every day – every moment – we have; yet the melodies as a rule are spirited, lively, filled with trust and hope and joy.


Deaf To Peace

Decades, even centuries, of hatred do not preclude peace. But neither can peace be built on a foundation of hatred.


Heart and Soul

Electroencephalographs measure electrical activity in the brain but nothing more. Who can possibly know what might be happening in the soul of a living human being?


One Good Deed…

The awe-inspiring is all around us, if we care to look and think, and are not fooled into imagining that nature’s fantasticalness is a phantasm, the meaningless yield of random meetings of molecules.

How I Spent My Shavuot

Entering the study-hall, some holy energy seems to seize me, and, even as my mind and body increasingly rebel against the deprivation of slumber, my soul jumps for joy.


Election Result

Jewish chosen-ness, from the Jewish perspective, entails no disparagement of others. It is not a license but a responsibility.

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