Author: Avi Shafran


Retraction II (tis the season)

My recent Am Echad Resources essay “Bernie, Sully and Me” has generated substantial criticism from many readers, including people whose opinions I deeply respect. I have come to the conclusion that that there were...


Our Own Private Passover

But the Communist credo, after all, was “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” and so they were really only being good Marxists. They had spiritual needs, including kosher-for-Passover matzoh.


Piece Plan

“Orthodoxy” is simply the name that the Reform and Conservative movements gave to what “Judaism” meant for millennia prior – to what those movements sought to supplant when they birthed themselves.


Purim Present

In 2003, the first day of Adar brought us an early Purim present. It wasn’t food, but rather food for thought.


Heretics and Humility

What makes so many so certain that the current scientific orthodoxy is the final word? The answer is hubris, the monkey wrench in many a human machine.



“Look… This child awaits his turn. Watch their humiliation. They are corpses, Allah be praised…”


Hypocrisies, Imagined and Real

I hope my wife and kids don’t find out that I consider it kosher to force 16-year-old girls to work 20 hours a day.

In fact, I was shocked at myself for having said such a thing – or, at least, I would have been had I actually said it.



Painful as it is to ponder, sometimes the gravest harm is what we unwittingly visit on ourselves.

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