Category: Short

How to Sign “Happy Purim”

First bring your open palms towards your chest and upwards, then out & down, and repeat — “Happy” Then open your first two fingers of each hand and make a “mask” by bringing your...


Rav Nebenzahl on J-Street

OK, he really said it years ago about Israeli leftists. However, since we import everything else from the the more ethereal Torah provinces of Eretz Yisrael, I figured we could apply his classic one-liner...


Let My People’s Fish Go!

In a pleasant break from the usual, this AP wire story has nothing to do with the dreaded Anisakis worm that is the subject of debate within the kashrus community: Washington – Free the...


Maybe It’s the Cholent

Are Orthodox Jews happier with their marriages than others? Do the demands of taharas ha-mishpachah translate into a better relationship? There now is some evidence of better marriages within the Orthodox community, as reported...


On The Passing of Rabbi Menachem Porush

Agudath Israel of America Statement on the Passing of Rabbi Menachem Porush Rabbi Menachem Porush was a giant within the world of Agudath Israel and beyond. The contributions Rabbi Porush made to the growth...


Delivering Kiddush Hashem

Wouldn’t it be great if we could do a Major Kiddush Hashem of the Week feature? Here’s this week’s entry. Rabbi Ilan Feldman (who is supposed to be writing for Cross-Currents, besides his father)...


Satmar Woman with 2000 Descendants

From the NY Times: WHEN Yitta Schwartz died last month at 93, she left behind 15 children, more than 200 grandchildren and so many great- and great-great-grandchildren that, by her family’s count, she could...

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