Category: General


How Much Does the Truth Matter?

Not having posted here since November 30, I feel obliged to put something up if only to demonstrate that reports of my blogospheric demise are at least somewhat exaggerated, even if it means contributing one...


Unfair to Cry “Unfair”

Jack Abramoff emerges from the courtroom wearing a black fedora, and instantly the media pounce on the fact that he is an Orthodox Jew. If he were a Roman Catholic layman, would it matter...


WordPress is Good

Since our upgrade on January 2, the new Akismet spam blocker has prevented over 1000 spams from getting into the moderation queue. That’s in under three weeks. In that time it only let 2...


Healing an Injured Phrase

From Rabbi Avi Shafran, Am Echad Resources “One of the 613 Mitzvot is ‘Tikkun Olam,’ to heal or repair the world,” declares the Social Action Committee of a Massachusetts temple. The assertion is characteristic...


Little Short of Amazing

My correspondent, who pointed out the case going on in California that I wrote about yesterday, sent a new email today: Rabbi Menken, re: Calvary Chapel suit and your C-C post on it, I...


The Internet and Rabbinic Bans

Unlike other of our handiwork that may have ethical implications – medical advances and design of clothing come to mind – technological innovations inherently are ethically neutral. Much of what we now take for...


Memo to God: Stay Out of Our Affairs

Yes, Rev. Pat Robertson has apologized, but one question remains: why were Israeli officials so incensed at him for suggesting that Sharon has been punished because he willingly surrendered part of the Holy land...

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