593 Search results

For the term "halacha".

The Herd Mentality

by Rabbi Harvey Belovski The astonishing capacity of Judaism to welcome disagreement, tolerate and even validate a range of views (albeit within the system) on almost every issue is, in my opinion, one of...


A Torah Revolution in Need of Troops

There are currently 800 secular Jewish women in Israel looking for a chareidi woman with whom to learn Torah over the phone, and no study partner available. “Couldn’t be,” you’ll say. But, unfortunately, it...


My Debate With Dennis Prager

I debated Dennis Prager yesterday – and survived! The OU was looking for a strong closing session for its West Coast Torah Convention, and there are very few proven draws as strong as Dennis,...


Winter Harvest

In a forthcoming book, “Final Exam: A Surgeon’s Reflections on Mortality,” Dr. Pauline W. Chen writes about the many operations she performed on brain-dead patients for the purpose of procuring, or “harvesting,” their organs...


Clean Air Act

Looking desperately for a small ray of light, a pocket of clean air, amidst the thick stench of what anyone following the political news would have to describe as a nationwide ethical meltdown ahead...


Rav Yaakov Hillel Outs the Charlatans

Rav Yaakov Hillel, one of the acknowledged masters of Kabbalah, spent a few hours on Tuesday with the collected rabbinate of Los Angeles. Accepted in Israel in the widest circles – including Lithuanian yeshiva...


A bad idea that won’t go away

Recent years have witnessed repeated pleas for liberalization of the standards of conversion to Judaism. Most often those demands center on the State of Israel where the Chief Rabbinate still maintains authority over conversions...


Monsey Poultry Close-out

R Adlerstein makes a big fuss about his non-comment and insinuates that all who comment on the scandal or take a side in it will soon need strong suntan lotion. Well then, why did...

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