The Monster on Muslims’ Backs

The third time proved the charm. President Trump’s travel ban received the hechsher of the highest court in the land. As well it should have. True, in the years since 9/11, no one in...


Three Weeks Shiur

Entitled “A 17th of Tammuz Cholent,” it was, as the name implies, a little bit of this, and a little big of that. I think it was supposed to keep people awake in the...

Orthodox Kids Don’t Need Your Pity

An article I wrote for Haaretz, which was published earlier this week, about attacks on some Chassidic yeshivos for the limitations of their secular studies programs, can be read here. If you don’t subscribe...


Immigration, Meet Balak

Everything that happens is alluded to in the weekly parshah, right? Sometimes it is just a little more difficult to see how. Not this week. Immigration policy is front and center. Am I being...

Us, Them and the Deep State

Hamodia opted to not publish my column submission for this week, but I share it here. The two thirds of the American populace that objected to the policy of removing children from their illegal...


Response to a Reader

An anonymous reader submitted this: What was the point of this article? If it was to demonstrate the high moral ground of Rabbi Adlerstein, it succeeded admirably, and we can view this article as...

Ranking Ranked-Choice

Your four-man chaburah is making a siyum and you’re ordering a large pizza. The eatery offers toppings but only on the entire pizza. You like onions and are sort of okay with peppers, but...

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