Judgment Call:

I’m not sure what the expectations for this blog are among its participants or its readers, but I think that one of the reasons I was invited might be my political involvement. There’s an...



R. Noach Weinberg famously says “Clarity or Death”…Over the years, I’ve come to see this not as a quip, not as hyperbole, but as true wisdom – an extremely precise statement of the way...


“Real” Jews?

Sholom Simon argues: When some guy tries to insult another guy, he might say, “you�re not a real man.” News flash: he is not speaking in strictly biological terms. When we answer a Reform...

…but There Are Reform Rabbis

I’m glad you asked for a clarification on “dialogue,” Jeff. Perhaps I didn’t express it well, because, as someone put it briefly on the comments board, “Isn�t the last paragraph what got Rabbi Reinman...

More on dialogue

In reading the last post as well as one of the comments, I guess I should clarify – I am not interested in interfaith dialogue as an institutional concept and I don’t believe the...


Dialogue, Shmialogue

Yaakov M responds to a (Reform) reader: Oh, and as for your statement: �Sometimes I think we really should engage in dialogue with the OU or whatever� � hear hear! You�re not the first...



From The Corner, earlier today… THE FENCE [Cliff May] The new fences will be chain-link and six feet tall, topped with small spikes to �deter� those who might consider scaling them. Well, we�ll see...


Fine, be that way

Yaakov – you can disagree with my calling Barry “Reform,” but I did so in deference to his preference. Personally, I do not like the label Orthodox; I do not call myself Orthodox unless...


There Are No Reform Jews

Jeff is right about the label “Orthodox:” It was not “Orthodox” Jews who introduced the word “orthodox” into Jewish discussion. It was the modern “progressive” Jews who first applied the name to “old,” “backward”...

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