253 Search results

For the term "open orthodoxy".

A Schism Within Open Orthodoxy?

These guys have guts. They took a principled stand, rejecting many of the messages emanating from Open Orthodox senior leadership, and they valiantly put their beliefs on the table, reaching out to the broad...


Open Orthodoxy: An Amicable Divorce?

Integrity demands that “Open Orthodoxy” discard the “Orthodox” moniker. There are early signs that — thanks to the Agudah, RCA, CER and others — this may, at last, be taking place.

Rav Aharon Feldman on Open Orthodoxy

The positions Open Orthodox leaders have espoused put them unmistakably beyond the pale of Torah Judaism, no different than the Reform or Conservative movements. Open Orthodoxy is leading the Jewish people away from the Torah.

Open “Orthodoxy”?

A rejoinder to my recent essay on Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and “Open Orthodoxy” was published here . Below is my response to that posting, written in my capacity as Agudath Israel of America’s spokesperson....

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