A New Look at Tehillim 140

Contributed by Doron Beckerman Psalm 140 May Have Never Been More Apt למנצח מזמור לדוד: (1) To the conductor. A song of David. חלצני ה’ מאדם רע מאיש חמסים תנצרני: (2) Extricate me, O...


Rosenblum’s Rule Revisited

Long-time readers are by now familiar with Rosenblum’s Rule: Where Torah Jews are in the majority their attention to issues of Kiddush Hashem declines; when they are in the minority, especially a small minority...

Fresh Air Amid The Reek

Even more remarkable than the article itself was where it appeared. Written by Elissa Strauss, an essayist and a “co-artistic director” of a “non-religious Jewish house of study for culture-makers at the 14th Street...

Letter in Today’s NYT

To the Editor: “A Damaging Distance” (news analysis, Sunday Review, July 13) may well be right that the reduced interaction between Arabs and Israelis is lamentable. But to attribute Israel’s erection of a barrier...

AIA Statement on Ground Action in Gaza

With the news that a ground invasion of the hornets’ nest known as Gaza is underway, Agudath Israel of America calls on all Jews to pray for the safety of the soldiers and the...

Mr. Obama, Phone (My) Home

I just can’t seem to remember whether President Obama telephoned me last night. It was a busy evening. I had a chasuna, a seder and davened Maariv. No, I’m quite sure I didn’t get...


The Anti-Eyal, Naftali, and Gil-ad

The mind reels from trying to wrap itself around the fact that fellow Jews could not only have murdered an innocent Arab teenager, but done so by sadistically setting him on fire. But there...

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