948 Search results

For the term "problem".

Love, Hate and the Holocaust

Considering that a survey last year revealed that 31 percent of Americans, and 41 percent of millennials, believe that two million or fewer Jews were killed in the Holocaust, and that 41 percent of...

AOC and Other Items

This was a somewhat busy week in terms of writing – something I have not really done for a long while. Here is my Times of Israel post about AOC’s concentration camps remarks. Here...


Why AOC’s Comments Crossed the Border

Every politician knows you can’t needlessly offend ethnic and other constituencies. The idea that you can make a career out of bigotry towards a particular minority is a notion America was supposed to have discarded 50 years ago.


The Equality Act: A Direct Assault on Jewish Values

At its root, the Equality Act declares the Torah to be a bigoted document, and all those who follow its guidance to be bigots as a result. This is true because the Torah says that man and woman are different, that marriage is between man and woman, and that certain relationships are pure while others prohibited.


Making It All Work

Listening to an old recording recently, I was taken aback by a statement in passing by of one of the participants. Kol kevudah bas melech penimah,[1] he opined, meant that women should keep themselves...

Bad Times, Good Times

The third one, at least for me, did the trick. The third New York Times apology, that is. The venerated publication, as most readers know by now, not long ago published an overtly anti-Semitic...


Holocaust History Comes Home

Reaching out and touching the one of the crematoria doors in Auschwitz-Birkenau a few weeks ago was emotionally jarring. Visiting my mother’s home town of Konstanz, Germany, made it personal. My youngest son and...

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