Category: Judaism


The Shofar of Elul

The more important something is to us, writes the Avnei Nezer, the greater the preparation we will devote to it. Athletes prior to a major competition or an important game, for instance, will train...


How to Criticize in Elul

We owe much to Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum. Not just because he gave us an excuse to stop talking about Noah Feldman. Not really for the substance of his remarks, either. Many readers of CC...


Stop Skimping

21bEllul “Tsunami of porn” is the colorful phrase the Shmuley Boteach coined to describe the skimpy clothing and other phenomena that characterize much of modern behavior. See his Jerusalem Post Sept.2 oped “Why women...


Saving Mother Teresa

Time Magazine’s cover story this week provides an opportunity for what Einstein (and others) called a “thought experiment.” Time examines a different side of Mother Teresa. A veritable icon of spiritual strength and confidence...


How Sweet It Is

Great ideas speak for themselves. A little PR, though, wouldn’t hurt. Aish HaTorah’s Project Inspire has floated an idea that I am enthusiastic about. Through a subsidy that allows them to do this at...


Food for Rosh Hashana Thought

An odd Rosh Hashana custom, duly recorded in the Talmud and halachic codes, is the lavishing of puns on holiday foods. Most Jews know that on the first night of the new Jewish year,...


Rabbi Angel’s Lament

This post deals only with Rabbi Angel’s views, not with MO, in general, and was written and published last month before the piece on Noah Feldman. Steve Brizel, who was critical of the Feldman...


Hard Questions About Kiruv

I have been involved with formal and informal outreach for more than 15 years but have only recently started to ask myself a few pointed questions, which I share, anticipating that they will be...

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