Category: Judaism


Returns Welcome

Married mere days, David found himself seated at the head of a table with his new wife, in-laws and a host of strangers, including some rabbis with long beards. He wasn’t nervous around rabbis;...


More Information, Please

I recently had an opportunity to speak at length with someone who has a broad familiarity with most of the institutions created in Israel to deal with chareidi kids who are outside of any...



Of all the stereotypes of charedim, probably none leaves us so shaking our heads as that of mindless, interchangeable automatons, marching lockstep to the commands of our rabbinic leadership. Because we view our friends...


Dear Sean

Dear Sean, I know this might sound strange coming from a father who’s far from a religious Jew, but now that you’re dating, there’s something I need you to understand. The single most important...



According to a report in the Jerusalem Post, Israeli teens are turning to alcohol because their lives are empty. A national program to get teenagers interested in productive ways to spend their time is...

Partners in Creation

Tu B’Shvat provides an annual opportunity to examine our Sages’ understanding of the general purpose of life. Fruits are man’s soul food. In the original plan of Creation, fruit was to be the exclusive...


Talk to the Snakes

In a 1938 essay, Mohandas (“Mahatma”) Gandhi, the spiritual and political leader of the Indian independence movement, counseled Jews in Nazi Germany to neither flee nor resist but rather offer themselves up to be...

Of Tu BiShevat And Esrogim

In many circles, it is common to daven on Tu BiShevat for a beautiful esrog to use during the coming Sukkos. There is even a special tefillah composed just for this purpose. The New...



From the Jewish Council for Public Affairs: January 19th is one of the most important contests in the Democratic and Republican quests for their parties’ nomination for the presidency. It is also Shabbat. This...

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