Category: Judaism


Marvin Schick on Bans

For decades, Rabbi Marvin Schick has been the bulldog of Gedolei Torah in the English-language world. More than anyone else I can think of, Rabbi Schick’s columns presented the leadership of Torah luminaries in...


The Eight Kedoshim

Who can console us, for what is beyond consolation? The pictures of the eight kedoshim, the choicest korbanos that Klal Yisrael could offer, haunt us beyond words. I have forgotten which chronicler of the...


If you prick us, do we not bleed?

Some pupils at the Yesodey Hatorah girls’ high school not too far from where I live have attracted UK and international news coverage (see, for example, here, here, here and here) over their refusal...


Lipa – Response to Readers

I asked a local posek who is highly regarded in the chareidi world and he told me that if everything is prohibited and there are no kosher outlets for our youth, then we are...


Lipa, Lead Belly, and Adar

Huddie William Ledbetter, popularly known as folk and blues sensation Lead Belly, was and remains an important influence on contemporary music. His repertoire was diverse. The five hundred songs he composed can’t be pigeonholed...


Cross-Currents Road Trip

At least for one of us. Me. For those on the East Coast who wonder how Torah can survive on the Left Coast, you are invited to find out. I will be at Cong....


Who Needs Charedi Columnists?

Reb Chaim Brisker and the Chofetz Chaim were once discussing the wisdom of having a Torah newspaper. Reb Chaim Brisker asked the Chofetz Chaim who would write for the newspaper. “You won’t write because...


Brazen New World

Asked by The New York Times in 2005 what today-taken-for-granted idea or value he thinks may disappear in the next 35 years, Professor Peter Singer, the Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University’s Center for...


Lori, You Don’t Have To Settle

You cannot help but feel bad for Lori Gottlieb, and good for the mindset about marriage with which we provide our kids. NPR correspondent and author Gottlieb was not looking for sympathy, but to...


What Remains

Vindication is nice, but there’s sometimes bitter mixed in with the sweet. Back in October of last year, a headline in the New York Jewish Week read: “No Religious Haven From Abuse.” The subheader...

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