Category: Jewish World


The Gym is Only a Metaphor

Returning from a successful run on the treadmill last week, I contemplated how much better I felt than when I dragged myself to the gym, after an early morning minyan. The most obvious reason...


Not Fear But Fealty

The Torah itself establishes Judaism as a deeply role-based faith. There is a role for a Cohein, a role for a Levi, roles for men and roles for women


Agudath Israel Commends RCA Leaders

Upon consultation with its rabbinic leadership, Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement today: Hamodia reports that Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, First Vice-President of the Rabbinical Council of America, has clarified that the RCA...


The RCA and Rabbi Avi Weiss

Upon consultation with its rabbinic leadership, Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement today: The leadership of the Rabbinical Council of America and Rabbi Avi Weiss have apparently reached agreement that Rabbi Weiss...

How to Sign “Happy Purim”

First bring your open palms towards your chest and upwards, then out & down, and repeat — “Happy” Then open your first two fingers of each hand and make a “mask” by bringing your...


On The Passing of Rabbi Menachem Porush

Agudath Israel of America Statement on the Passing of Rabbi Menachem Porush Rabbi Menachem Porush was a giant within the world of Agudath Israel and beyond. The contributions Rabbi Porush made to the growth...


Last Night I Saw the Mushroom Cloud

I dreamed I saw the mushroom cloud. It’s been absent from my dreams for so long, in spite of Ahmadinejad. The more he talks about eliminating us, the deeper my sleep. As a girl,...

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