Category: Jewish World


Say It Ain’t So, Joe

A Catholic aquaintance just couldn’t believe that L’Osservatore Romano, a Vatican newspaper, could have been so obtuse and mean-spirited as to criticize Israel for offering IDF field hospitals to Sri Lanka. She was right....


More fun with PETA or, how about this one?



I want to open up the following discussion with my fellow bloggers and with any of the millions of of our readers who care to comment (gee, I hope the server can handle it):...


PETA and the Epoch of the Messiah

Hmmm… I think R. Yaakov and R. Avi are on to something…maybe that’s what the Talmud means when it says that immediately preceding the advent of the Messiah “pnei hador k’pnei hakelev” (the face...


Rabbi Shafran Responds to PETA

Oops. Turns out that PETA was misquoting their own fearless leader. This, in the very same letter in which PETA proudly claimed that it “has never been duplicitous.” The Mishnah says that in the...


Kol HaPosel, b’Mumo Posel

The Talmud says that when Reuven goes around telling you that Shimon is a no-goodnik, that you should look carefully for the alleged defect in Reuven himself. “All who invalidate, invalidate with their own...


PETA and its fellow travelers…

Nat Lewin and Avi Shafran are quite right in pointing out the clear strain of anti-Semitic propaganda in PETA’s latest video stunt. As Rabbi Shafran notes, this is not the first time PETA has...


Why Did PETA Target Jews?

Nathan Lewin, a well-known Orthodox lawyer in Washington and counsel for AgriProcessors, has Some Questions for PETA in the Jewish Week. In it, he asks why PETA seems to have no comparable video of...


A Chanukah story for our times

Baltimore Jewish Times December 17, 2004 Last week most of the senior Torah authorities and yeshiva heads in Israel held an emergency gathering to discuss the pernicious effects of the new generation cell phones...

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