Category: Israel


Overcoming the Separation

A resident of Haifa sent out a plea for forgiveness last week. He has been forced to close his business because of the katyushas falling on Haifa, and he and his family now find...


An Elegant Credo

Profound and complex ideas do not the most memorable speeches make. In reaching the crowd, the speaker is better off framing simple, straightforward ideas in effective language. Think Gettysburg Address. British Chief Rabbi Sir...


Charedim LaMatzav — Trembling about the Situation

Friday’s Yediot Acharonot carried an extraordinarily positive article about the Charedi community’s reaction to the current situation in Israel. For those unable to read the Hebrew, here are the first three paragraphs in translation:...


Qana: What Happened for Eight Hours?

The IDF is trying to figure out why the building housing 60 Lebanese in Qana collapsed at 8 AM, when the only target in the immediate vicinity was struck between midnight and one AM....


Saving Tommy

I had to rub my eyes as I tried to absorb the news. Prime Minister Olmert could not be that insensitive. But no matter how many times I rubbed, the story remained the same:...


Ongoing Communication Disruptions in Israel

As I mentioned a few days ago, the current conflict is interfering with Internet service in Israel — especially international connectivity, much of which goes through Haifa. Fortunately, none of our developers there have...

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