593 Search results

For the term "halacha".


A reader took me to task for referring to spitters and bodily-assaulters as “unspeakable primitives.” He saw the word primitive in the sense of old, pre-modern, and rightly argued that having derech eretz has...


A. Y. Karelitz M.D.

by Dovid Landesman I have an acquaintance in Los Angeles, a urologist who is also a well-respected talmid chacham. To establish his credentials let me say that he has completed three cycles as the...


Yankel ZT”L

[Rabbi Dovid Landesman is a veteran mechanech and the mechaber of a sefer on Netziv.] Today – Yom ha-Zikaron L’chayalei Tzahal – is one of the most difficult days for me in the calendar...


Piece Plan

“Orthodoxy” is simply the name that the Reform and Conservative movements gave to what “Judaism” meant for millennia prior – to what those movements sought to supplant when they birthed themselves.



It is more than a week after the Israeli elections, and the nature of the next government is still not known. That already suggests that the next prime minister, whether Binyamin Netanyahu (likely) or...


Hypocrisies, Imagined and Real

I hope my wife and kids don’t find out that I consider it kosher to force 16-year-old girls to work 20 hours a day.

In fact, I was shocked at myself for having said such a thing – or, at least, I would have been had I actually said it.

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