593 Search results

For the term "halacha".

Chumrah Done Wrong

She’s no Deborah Feldman. That makes her story so much more valuable to us. Writing in Tablet, the literary cynosure of every young Jewish iconoclast these days, Avital Chizhik lets us know that she...


Help an Agunah – Virtually

Tamar Epstein is an agunah with an impressive list of rabbinic supporters. Her ex, Aharon Friedman, has exhausted all his legal options, both in beis din and in secular court. The divorce has been...


My Dirshu Story

Now that it’s “merely” three weeks since their annual Siyum (celebration upon completing a unit of Torah study), I ought to contribute a few words about the Dirshu organization. Dirshu (which is created and...

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