Category: Short

Hamas Terrorism in 140 Chars

Aiming missiles at my daughter is a symptom of nothing but the desire to murder Jews. #Israel #Hamas #Gaza — Rabbi Yaakov Menken (@ymenken) July 8, 2014


Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali in 140 Chars

Sometimes it really can be expressed in a single comment to Twitter — in this case, by Rabbi Steven Burg, Eastern Director of the Wiesenthal Center: The world does not understand that this is...


Bring Our Tefilos Home

I don’t recall another such occasion in my lifetime. I am not a regular participant in Yom Kippur Katan. But BEH, I will certainly try this afternoon. It is not so unusual for us...


Tikvah: The Distaff Side

In a manner reminiscent of the way a woman takes over all the space in the closet once a guy gets married, the women have taken over the TikvahYeshiva website. Which is a good...

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