Category: Judaism


The Artificial Divide

Reform Judaism Blog: The commonly held view of the polarized division between Orthodox and non-Orthodox is in fact far from accurate. Those who become Orthodox are not being tricked — they are finding something they’ve been looking for.


Geulah and Responsibility

Two Pesach motifs, each one individually difficult to understand, become even more strained when considered together. Chazal tell us that Bnei Yisrael had to be redeemed, in a sense, just then. They had descended...


There are no basketball courts in Heaven

I don’t know what to do. Should I copy author Dovid Landesman’s joke at the beginning of the chapter entitled, “The Cowboy and the Beemer”? You’d laugh your heads off (I know, I’ve already...


Window to a Different Spirit

As a confirmed addict of anything written by the Bleichs, the first piece I looked at in the new issue of Jewish Action was Dr. Judy Bleich’s review of Ish Yehudi, the biography of...


The Gym is Only a Metaphor

Returning from a successful run on the treadmill last week, I contemplated how much better I felt than when I dragged myself to the gym, after an early morning minyan. The most obvious reason...


What’s With The Fours?

Despite the late hour and exhaustion (not to mention wine), many a Jewish mind has wondered long and hard during a Passover Seder about all the Haggadah’s “fours.” Four questions, four sons, four expressions...


Not Fear But Fealty

The Torah itself establishes Judaism as a deeply role-based faith. There is a role for a Cohein, a role for a Levi, roles for men and roles for women

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