Category: Jewish World

Orthodox Jews on the Upswing

A piece I wrote about the growth of the Orthodox community in Israel and the U.S. appeared at Fox today.  It can be read here. Have a wonderful Yomtov!

All The Days of Your Life

I often feel terribly pampered. Especially when I think of my parents’ generation. At the age when my father, z”l, and several others from the Novardok Yeshiva in Vilna were captured for being Polish...

Blessed Bang for the Buck

Across an ocean but hot on the heels of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s not-so-subtle invoking of the hoary stereotype of Jews’ wily wielding of wealth – “It’s all about the Benjamins,” she contended, referring to...

The Essence of Israel

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu got into a dustup with a television personality and a movie star, many of us felt reasonably secure assuming which side was likely more Jewishly authentic. And since...

Gripes and Grumbles

Like most people, I have all sorts of complaints about the world. That is to say, about some of the people in it. Like those who don’t know how to disagree agreeably, and consider...


The Old Lady and the Triathlon

“I had to give up competing in Triathlons in America. I thought when I come to Israel I will now be able to resume. I was crestfallen to learn the triathlons are on Shabbat,...

Polar Vort

“Not as cold as Siberia.” That’s what my father, a”h, would say with a laugh if I complained over the phone about the frigid weather in Providence, where my family lived in the 1980s....

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