Category: Jewish Media


Shoot First, Ask Questions Never

The following statement barely needs comment. Blogs operate without such outdated concepts as fact-checking and seeking comment from both sides… and statements such as this one are the inevitable if sad result: Statement of...


What about Blowing the Esrog on Shavuos?

From the Sacramento Bee: The month preceding the “Ten Days of Awe” begins with a thorough housecleaning to get rid of anything with leaven, which is likened to sin in the Torah. It also...


Reality is No Obstacle

The recent Emmanuel litigation revealed a major flaw in Israel’s judicial system. In most suits against governmental authorities, the Supreme Court, sitting as the High Court of Justice (BaGaTZ), is a court of original...


Smelly Justice

In this week’s Torah reading, Parshas Shoftim in Deuteronomy, Israel is commanded to have judges and officers, those who maintain both justice and order. A judge in particular is required to be entirely unbiased,...

Abuse of Power

Seldom if ever has so much misinformation and ill will been sown by people ostensibly concerned with truth and Jewish unity.


A Visitation

By Shimon Stern News item from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism: [Women of the Wall activist Anat] Hoffman points to a photograph on the wall of her office of Rosa Parks being...


When Political Correctness Trumps Religion

Despite the encouragement of the Jerusalem Post’s editorialists, and despite several signatures from friends and colleagues in Jewish outreach, I believe that last week’s “Statement of Principles” regarding those “in our community who have...


Conversion Bill Hysteria

The Rotem Conversion Bill in Israel has, as we know, generated a lot of press. I suppose it is unsurprising to many to find that the coverage has been so intellectually dishonest — claiming...

Matisyahu Made Him Cry

Matisyahu, for those who don’t know, is an American Jewish kid who grew up listening to reggae, became a BT, started singing Jewish-oriented reggae and became a (very) popular artist. His lyrics speak about...

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