Category: General

Getting It Wrong

Two completely unrelated items – one serious, one humorous – about people getting their facts wrong. For quite a while, the key narrative in the parsha (Torah reading) we just finished has been the...


American Jewry Finds its Scourge

Jack Wertheimer has issued another one of his periodic jeremiads on the state of mainstream American Jewry in the October Commentary (“Jews and the Jewish Birthrate). In recent years, Wertheimer has emerged as one...


Positive Orthodoxy in the Associated Press

Saturday’s Washington Post carried an AP article, Orthodox Answers to Unusual Questions, on the religion page. While I couldn’t find it on the Washington Post site, CNN/Netscape has the same article. It discusses the...


Variations on a Theme by Dr. Schick

Without weighing in on the main question posed by Dr. Schick (Oct. 28), I will offer one observation, and pose another question. Dr Schick’s concern about airing dirty linen in public is – unfortunately...


Satmar v. Satmar

I have a question regarding the disgraceful goings-on within Satmar, including but not limited to the violence that occurred on Simchas Torah when the two rival factions desecrated G-D’s name in the main Satmar...


Sir Francis Crick, DNA, and ID

As YomTov arrived, I realized that I had heard “somewhere” about a prominent scientist who proposed the genetic seeding of Planet Earth, which is related to my previous post about Darwin vs. Design. With...


Go After the Majority

With the 150-year anniversary of The Origin of Species just a few years away, here’s a startling fact: most Americans don’t buy it. According to CBS News, 51% believe that G-d Created humans as...


Rabbi Naftoli Neuberger zt”l

Today was the levaya (funeral) of Rav Naftoli (Herman) Neuberger, the long time administrative head of Yeshivas Ner Israel of Baltimore. As the public representative of not only the yeshiva, but much of Baltimore’s...

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