Protocols of the Elders of Anti-Semitism
Only anti-Semites believe that Jews control the world. Yet anti-Semitism itself has choked and strangled the progress of nations. Writing in the June issue of Commentary, Paul Johnson calls anti-Semitism an irrational disease that brought monumental harm to those who practiced it.
Many of our readers will consider Johnson (History of the Jews, Modern Times, Intellectuals, among others) the greatest and most readable of comtemporary historians. A non-Jew, he waxes so rhapsodic at the beginning and end of his volume on the Jews that kiruv organizations have been known to use wholesale quotations from him to most perfectly frame the contribution of Jews to world society.
Most of our readers can anticipate the contradictions that Johnson points to that make anti-Semitism different from other forms of racism – the fact, for example, that in neighboring countries, Jews were accused of and demonized for traits of opposing polarity. Johnson’s art in this piece is in providing the less common insights. When Spain expelled its Jews, it not only lost some of its most talented to the Protestant Netherlands (and ultimately, to America), but it lost the ability to manage the riches it imported from its conquest of the New World. The silver of the conquistadors wound up bankrupting Spain, rather than enriching it, because it lacked the financial know-how that its expelled Jews possessed. The turmoil that the Dreyfus trial brought upon France weakened her enough to become easy prey to Germany in two World Wars. Hitler’s two greatest blunders – attacking Russia and declaring war on the US – were motivated in great part by his designs to expand his death machine to other parts of the globe. The apparatus installed by Czarist police to persecute Russian Jews became the model to enslave all the Soviet peoples under Stalin.
Johnson sees a connection between old and new anti-Semitism and the current intellectual disease of Europe – demonizing America as the source of all evil, while remaining blind to the corruption within. He does not attempt to explain anti-Semitism itself. We insiders will have no problem seeing the wisdom of the medrash which links the word Sinai with sinah – hatred. Hatred of Jews was assured by the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. The message within that Torah was resisted by some societies with every fiber of their being, and inspired jealousy in others.
This realization came to a head for me in the last few days, when I spent some time dialoging with a Muslim journalist who was intrigued by Orthodox Judaism. Why, he asked, were Jews so hated? As I offered a variation on the above theme, it occurred to me that this was going to be harder than speaking to a committed Christian. It was easier to explain Christian hatred of Jews, based on sharply divided views on the nature of G-d, the roles of faith and action, salvation, sin, etc. Muslims had less of a problem with many of the Jewish assumptions, at least on paper. Then one of my children whispered to me yirah v’ahavah/ fear and love. He had perfectly distilled the part of the message that the rest of the world was not ready for, and that Jews are meant to be exemplars of. Evil is so potent, that it cannot be repelled by faith, strong declarations, or harsh punishment. Man needs to be bound by reminders and restrictions that encompass all of time, not just periodic reminders. This is why we have 365 prohibitions, reflecting the fear and reverence relationship with G-d. A society that could suppress all evil inclination, however, would still be missing the point of existence. Belief in G-d and obedience to His Word is a good starting point, not the end point of submission. G-d is lofty enough, and Man is complex enough, that our climbing towards Him requires fine-tuning every part of our being. Hence the 248 affirmative obligations that train and mold every aspect of ourselves.
No other religious system has this mix and balance, in such degree and detail. The rest is commentary.
There is a history of religious rivalry and a literature of such rivalry that continues to be one a source of antisemitic rhetoric. Each of the two new religions purported to be improvements upon Judaism. In order to dissuade their own believers and potential converts from examining Judaism rationally and also to answer the obvious question as to how if Jews could be good people that they could not have seen the light of the new religion – it was necessary to demonize Jews as somehow having seen the light but being obstinate evil doers nevertheless.
However Judaism is not a competitor to either religion today, so why resort to the old anti-Jewish propaganda: 1. Political: We’re a convenient victim for leaders who need to divert their followers from their own failures AND 2. Religious: for those religious leaders with secret doubts about fundamental issues of their religions or who can’t answer the questions of their followers it may be convenient to again resort to diversion by demonization of Jews and retreat to the old anti-semitic myths as a substitute for thought. Ultimately however to resort to antisemitic myth belies an unconscious fear with the answers that might be found if issues were considered rationally.
So what did that journalist have to say back? Was his question a loaded one, with intention to use only parts of your response and distort them? I believe you wrote an article about hollywood doing that to you with some interview…
Muslim hatred of Jews doesn’t seem particularly motivated by religion. It is a very recent development that they harbor extreme hatred to Jews; Christians were more demonized. Is it really necessary to drag in “our religion is better” and “we are better than them” as a response to every issue.
Most practicing Orthodox Jews are convinced that their religion is truer than other forms of monotheistic practice (that is why they remain Orthodox). I don’t think chizuk is necessary on this score; relentless grandstanding about Jewish superiority can be very destructive. Orthodox Jews who feel inferior to Muslims are hard to find; those who lack respect for goyim as human beings, let alone as chassidei umos haolom, are a much bigger problem. The Orthodox community is more in need of emphasis on the fact that observant monotheists are keeping 7 mitzvos b’nei noach and need to be treated as such than it needs to be reminded of Judaism’s superiority. Please can you stop posting all this self-congratulatory stuff – or least make it relevant to whatever issue you are ostensibly discussing. When the answer to “Why have Muslims begun to hate us so much in the last hundred years” is “our religion is better” something is very wrong.