Author: Shira Schmidt


The late Tommy Lapid and Dylan Thomas

29 b Iyyar For several years I was a part-time, self-appointed, undercover agent, infiltrating the Shinui party organization in Netanya. I thought about this on Sunday, 27 bIyyar, when during a two-hour drive south...


The prayer for bread on Passover

11 bNissan I have been searching the internet for the prayer to say upon eating bread on Pessah, and I found it by Googling “zachor Michlalah movies.” There you can see/hear the late Reb...


Vive la difference -Merkaz HaRav

He entered the lioness’s den and came out unscathed. Rabbi Yerachmiel Weiss of Merkaz HaRav Kook, Rosh Yeshiva L’Tzeirim was interviewed by Ilana Dayan three days after the terror attack, on her regular Sunday...


Was the Holocaust Sui Generis?

10th of Tevet “Those who say that suffering such as this has never befallen the Jewish people are mistaken. There was torture comparable to ours at the destruction of the Temple and at Beitar….”...


Tuesday: non-haredim discuss haredim

Would you like to be a fly on the wall while a battery of secular and modern Orthodox academic experts are discussing the dynamics of change in the haredi world? If so, then today...


Spiritual or physical hunger?

I was terribly saddened by the memoir of R.Tzvi Meisels, ztz”l describing his blowing shofar in Auschwitz in 1944. I have, however, questions which really bother me. So began a challenge from Dr.Tzvia Greenfield,...


Sounding the Shofar in Auschwitz

From the memoirs of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Meisels, ztz”l describing Rosh Hashanah 1944: “The experience of one transport that left Auschwitz is seared in my memory. With the grace of HASHEM I was miraculously...


Stop Skimping

21bEllul “Tsunami of porn” is the colorful phrase the Shmuley Boteach coined to describe the skimpy clothing and other phenomena that characterize much of modern behavior. See his Jerusalem Post Sept.2 oped “Why women...


Tisha B’Av, Intermarriage & Slippery Slopes

11 b Menahem-Av Formerly Orthodox Professor Noah Feldman, writing in the New York Times Magazine , “Orthodox Paradox,” July 22 two days before Tisha B’Av, complains that the Jewish Day School he attended (Maimonides...


Harry Potter and Shabbos

See my comment at the end of this posting for an update on the actual fining of stores that opened on Shabbat. 3 bMenahemAv Only in Israel would the hourly news report a storm...

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