Personal Prayer Request

Please learn, Daven and say Tehillim (Psalms) for the speedy recovery of Refael Aharon Elimelech ben Penina Liba, a young man who is very seriously ill. May he have a speedy healing b’soch sha’ar...


Reading the Times with my coffee

Well, time for something a little lighter than my usual fare. Let’s read the New York Times this morning for our amusement and enlightenment. From an article about a new dinosaur exhibit: The final...

NOT Crime and Punishment

An acquaintance, A.M., stopped attending one Orthodox shul and joined a different Orthodox synagogue because the young rabbi in the first shul said something that A.M. found offensive. The novice rabbi, newly ordained at...


Looking for Validation

Concerning Jonathan Rosenblum’s post this morning on the topic of non-Jews wearing Yarmulkes, I think the brouhaha over the Turkish Prime Minister not wearing one is a symptom of a larger issue. I think...


Is it Chilul Hashem?

Last week a venerable rabbi pleaded guilty to having amassed a fortune by selling non-existent insurance policies to trucking companies. Many prominent figures in the Orthodox community testified as character witnesses to his many...


Politicians and Yarmulkes

I have always found something faintly ridiculous about the perennial photos of gentile politicians donning yarmulkes to wolf down lox and bagels in Jewish neighborhoods. And I would be hard-pressed not to vote for...


Israeli Justice Recuses Himself

A strange thing happened in the Israeli Supreme Court the other day. Prior to a hearing on petitions brought by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel to force the Israeli government to comply...

A Letter from Berlin

Dear Friends, After reading the letter forwarded the other day, I feel obliged to add a few words. I attended the opening of the Berlin Memorial yesterday, and asked the architect, Peter Eisenman, whether...


The Holocaust and Daf Yomi

Received via email: An article in the Arizona Republic on the new Holocaust memorial in Berlin (“Memorial divides Berlin,” Sunday May 8, 2005) reports: “The memorial is a maze of 2,711 unadorned concrete rectangles,...

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