Toward a Renewed Jewish Identity

Last month I argued that Israel’s long-range survival depends upon substantially strengthening the Jewish component of Israeli identity (“Jews and Staying Power,” Oct. 21, 2005). Only a reinvigorated Jewish identity can provide the internal...

The Fire Now

Though the cost in lives and to the economy from the more than two weeks of urban riots in France does not rival that from the July 7 suicide bombs in London, the former...


The Beneviste Maneuver

My recent post about Israeli secularists being urged to play Monopoly and watch video in order to make their Yom Kippur fasting more tolerable created some interesting discussion. In connection with that, I just...


Learning Torah

Recently, I’ve been in an ongoing dialogue with a committed Jewish layman affiliated with the Conservative movement. He and I have argued on any number of occasions, and some might be very surprised to...


The Beatification of Yitzchak Rabin

Americans mark the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln every year on Presidents Day; Israelis mark the death of Prime Minister Rabin. The difference is telling. Presidents Day celebrates the lives of the...


“He didn’t get to say the Shma”

Saturday night 12 bMarHeshvan Two brief comments on the Rabin memorial (the Hebrew yahrzeit is tonight) which is taking place in Tel Aviv as I write these lines, in the square where the Prime...


Satmar v. Satmar

There is a potential for conflict in all social relations, and it exists not because people are selfish or foolish or have other shortcomings — although these are factors — but because it is...


A Blow to the Minimalists

Readers who did not follow the story to the end of the New York Times article may have missed the more interesting piece of evidence unearthed after two millennia of repose. The uncovering at...


Tortured Readings on the Tenure Track

Tortured women in the Bible, tortured readings of the Bible text, my my. I was asked a question about Hagar a few weeks ago, and since Hagar is first mentioned in this week’s parsha...

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