Category: Judaism

The Heavens Are the L-rd’s

Those of us old enough to remember July 20, 1969—when human beings first walked on the moon—recall, too, our sense of amazement over the “one small step for man” that came to mark the...


“Some people think Army is Yeshiva”

The question of why the Haredi community tends to avoid or minimize IDF service is one with multiple facets, one of which is the ongoing hostility of the IDF towards Jewish religious practice. A...


The Face of Apartheid Israel

This picture says so much about those racist Israelis. It proves that Israel is an apartheid state. Immanuel had been entombed in a concrete coffin for nine days. A victim of the Haiti earthquake,...

Another Breach in the Wall

For a number of years, in my role as Agudath Israel of America’s media liaison, I attended an annual gathering, each year in a different city, of Jewish periodical editors and writers. Over time,...


Yadeinu Shafchu Es Hadam Hazeh

After the horror, the disbelief, the shock, the emptiness, I next thought what many others must have. He had to have been a pedophile. I messaged a colleague, a respected rov, and asked what...


Want to Be Ugly? Buy LUSH

By now, everyone has heard the one about the two guys sitting next to each other on a Tel Aviv bus. The guy looking at Haaretz can’t believe that the fellow sitting next to...

Where Less Can Be More

“Can she have a cookie with a Pentagon-K on the box?” the voice on the phone asked and, after receiving my polite but negative response (a Pentagon-K?—now the Defense Department’s in the kashrus business?...

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