Category: Judaism

Staying Still to Serve

By Binyamin Ehrenkranz When He finished speaking with Avraham, G-d left [him]. Avraham then returned to his place. — Gen. 18:33 Frank took me to the Oval Office (my first view of it) ....

Autonomy Über Alles

As with a number of evil ideas, physician assisted suicide can be defended without great difficulty. The magic word for making the case is “autonomy”—the right of individuals to make choices about their future...


Shemonah Esrei For The Second Term

No matter how they cast their ballots, many in our community feel confusion, vulnerability and fear in the aftermath of the election. As committed Jews, all feelings of helplessness could and should help our...


The Rabbi’s Daughter

I cried watching this film. Not just because it is about three daughters who choose to break with the chinuch they received from their parents, from the ways of the Torah. Not just because...

Misguided Markings

In slow but clear Hebrew and with an endearingly wry smile, the elderly Jewish lady recalls a trip to America one summer with her sister. At a bank, she recounts, the teller, a young...

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