Author: Yaakov Menken



Having received enough complaints, please allow me to clarify — no one at Cross-Currents saw the ad for Sam Harris’ book before it went up. I got an email with an ad text which...


To Save a Life

Today’s Washington Post has the story of Waitstill and Martha Sharp, “only the second and third U.S. citizens named to a [U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum] honor roll of 21,000 ‘righteous’ gentiles, non-Jews who risked...


Regrettably, I Will be Unable to Attend

When I received a FAX this morning about an “Erev Rosh Hashanah Havurah Dinner,” I assumed it was a reader alerting us to the latest evidence of how far our people have wandered. The...


US Embassy in Syria Attacked

I first saw Michelle Malkin’s coverage of this, but she refers readers to far more thorough and frequent updates at Mere Rhetoric. The latter has a comment on this business worth repeating: Which got...


National Unity in Palestine

Hamas, realizing that its sponsorship of terrorism and refusal to recognize Israel have placed the Palestinian Authority in desperate straits, will now be forming a “national unity government” with the Fatah party of the...


A Poignant Tribute

“Jameel” sent me a link to the tribute he wrote in memory of Nancy Morgenstern HY”D, who was at her desk at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th Floor when the aircraft hit World Trade...


Statistics, Lying Statistics, and Readers Digest

This post started out as an aside to an earlier discussion, concerning the chassid escorted off a Canadian plane because passengers became alarmed seeing him wrapped in his Talis. Frequent commenter Boruch Horowitz pointed...


Israel’s Judicial Oligarchy Continues

Aharon Barak’s hand-picked successor, Dorit Beinisch, has been appointed the next President of Israel’s Supreme Court — to the great surprise of no one. This makes it overwhelmingly likely that the Court will continue...


Animal School

A short presentation every parent should watch, from Read the text here.

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