A Poignant Tribute
“Jameel” sent me a link to the tribute he wrote in memory of Nancy Morgenstern HY”D, who was at her desk at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th Floor when the aircraft hit World Trade Center Tower One. You can tell a lot about a person from his or her friends — and when one considers the scope of good brought into the world in her memory, one sees remarkable friends of a remarkable Jew.
A kollel was founded in her memory. A Sefer Torah is being written in her memory. A Magen David Adom ambulance in Beit Shemesh was donated in her memory, and besides providing an opportunity to save lives, many new lives saw their first light in that ambulance as well, as over 20 babies were born in Nancy’s ambulance on their way to hospitals in Jerusalem. A whole slew of tzedaka projects came into being dedicated to Nancy’s memory – some are to private recipients and others more public.
As he concluded: “May her memory be a blessing, a source of comfort for her family – as the projects in her memory continue to add goodness and holiness to the world.”
Touching – thanks.
I will be saying Kaddish for my brother, Jonathan J Uman who died while working on the 105th floor of WTC tower #1. He was Vice President of eSpeed, a division of Cantor Fitzgerald. He was only 33 at the time, and had just had his second child.
Please remember him in your Kaddish this Shabbos…
Yartziet for September 11, 2001 is Elul 23, 5766 ….
Thank you,
Michael Uman