Rabbi Simcha Shafran ob”m

As we resume publication, we note with sadness the passing of Rabbi Simcha Shafran, father of our contributor Rabbi Avi Shafran.
Rabbi Shafran was to travel from Bialystok to the famed Novardok Yeshiva when the Nazi invasion of Poland ended his plans. He and a small group of yeshiva students, under the guidance of Rabbi Leib Nekritz ob”m survived the war in Siberia.
Later he came to America, helping to build Torah from his home in Baltimore, MD, where he served as a congregational rabbi for over half a century, and as the administrator of the Baltimore Beis Din, the Rabbinical Court of Baltimore.
His funeral will be today, Wedneday Dec 21, at 1:00 PM, at Levinson’s Funeral Home. You may watch a live stream provided by Levinson’s.
Please see BaltimoreJewishLife.com for burial and shiva information. May the mourners be consoled among all mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may we share in many happy occasions together.
May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
And may the good works of his children continue to be a source of nachas to his neshama in Shamayim.
rabbi shafran was always lebedik, but he was most lebedik on simchat torah. he single-handedly kept the dancing going for more than an hour.
as a grew older, i understood what was behind his happiness. as someone who saw attempts of the nazis and the communists to destroy the torah, he was celebrating the victory of the torah over our enemies
יהי זכרו ברוך