Agudah Statement on SF Circumcision Ban Measure
May 19, 2011
Statement from Agudath Israel of America
concerning the proposed circumcision ban on the ballot in San Francisco
That nearly 8000 San Francisco residents were willing to endorse the placing of an anti-circumcision measure on November’s ballot is deeply troubling to Agudath Israel of America and its constituents.
Circumcision, whether performed by a medical professional or a qualified mohel (religious circumciser), is a procedure performed thousands of times each day, and has been performed, at least among the Jewish people, for thousands of years. Jews of divergent religious affiliations, as well as Muslims and others, consider the act of circumcision to be a religious obligation. In the Jewish faith, it stands as a singularly important rite.
This quest to interfere with the parent-child relationship and the religious practices of countless Jews, Muslims and others represents an unprecedented assault on Americans’ freedom of religion; and the San Francisco proposal should be roundly and soundly defeated by a large majority of that city’s voters, who cherish liberty and its protection. We trust that such will happen.
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